Business Consultation

Our Business experts will review your current business model and see what changes can be made to increase the quality of service, efficiency, and revenue of your business. They are there to take your business to the next level. Even if you are already doing very well for yourself, there is always room for improvement.
Our consultants will go through a series of questions with you to get a good idea of where you business is at, and where it is heading. Once they have a complete picture of your business, they will then share with you tweaks you can make that will take your business to the next level. Our business strategies that have been proven to work for gyms around the world and have turned zeros into heroes with amazing speed.
Having this type of knowledge can be difference between surviving and thriving. Having been in both situations, we want every gym to succeed beyond their wildest dreams, but know that without access to the proper knowledge that will be near impossible to do. This is why we offer all subscribers our Automation Guide and a FREE 1 Hour Consultation with one of our automation experts. The information that will be shared with you can help you get one step (or many steps) close to having your dream gym.
Kick Start Service

If you have reviewed all the information and know you need to automate your business, the Kickstart Service will get you moving fast. We will install the software for you and make sure everything is running properly before giving you the wheel. This includes migrating all of your data over, setting up your marketing campaigns, getting your billing setup, and any customization you need to get started.
If you do get stuck somewhere along the road, you will have access to our support team. We have a library with video tutorials on how to use our automation software to it's maximum potential that you can review at any time, which should take care of most issues you experience. And if you are really lost, our online support team is available 24/7 to assist you through any problems.
As an added benefit, we also offer our Kick Start members continued coaching and training from our consultants. We will push new campaigns into your application every month that will give you new ways of expanding your business. We also will give you implementation time with our consultants, so that can build out or help organize anything you need done inside your app. And finally, you will gain access to our monthly webinars to show you how to maximize your efficiency using automation.
Done For You Service

If you don't have time to spend learning how to use a new software, or just want a professional handling all the back end work for you, our experts can take care all that for you. The Done For You service leaves no stone unturned. You get double the benefits offered in the Kick Start Service, plus 1 on 1 coaching sessions focused on whatever you want to master.
If you are serious about automating your business and letting an expert take the reigns, this is the best option - especially if you feel you need a lot of customization for your business. Our experts are ninjas, and are ready to tackle any challenges you may have.